
Our service network offer round-the-clock, bestin-class after-sales service support.

Growth Factors

What we deliver is “affordable luxury”. We offer more advanced features for a given cost and would like to set the benchmark for value for money not just on the upfront cost but also over the entire life cycle of the equipment


We deliver an uptime of over 97.5 percent for our customers across products and regions and that makes us more preferred among the Indian medical society.

Make in India

Our reach and service delivery had made us more preferable among the Indian population. Every town, hospital across India including smaller and rural places are under our reach. Our ‘Make in India’ initiative opens a new era in the field of imaging.


Our manufacturing facility spreads over 30,000 sq.ft in Chennai for manufacturing a wide range of Direct Digital Radiography systems, mobile Computed Radiography systems, Low-Power x-ray system and other HF X-ray solutions.


Backed by a skilled and efficient technical team, we offer advanced service backup tools that ensures full service support anywhere in India. We are committed to provide the best healthcare solutions for your diagnostic services.

Low Lifecycle Cost

3i MedTech provides you an opportunity to enjoy continuous workflow at a minimal product life cycle cost and helps to increase the revenue of the clinics and hospitals. 3i MedTech’s advanced technology, ownership and resourcefulness provides you with quick backup facilities thus ensuring minimal downtime, maximum productivity and reduces overall product maintenance cost.

Our Strength

Our strength lies in providing superior patented products. Being a resourceful service provider, we promise to offer enhanced customer experience